Silver Bay YMCA
87 Silver Bay Road
Silver Bay, NY 12874
Silver Bay Flowers
Wildflowers in the Silver Bay area

Silver Bay Nature Center

Thanks for your interest!

My name is Dot Stillinger. For many years I have been a summer employee in the Nature Program of the Silver Bay YMCA in Silver Bay, NY, on Lake George near Hague.

Dr. Thomas Lord, professor of biology at Indiana University in Pennsylvania and head of the Silver Bay Nature Program encouraged my interest in learning about the wildflowers on the Y campus and in the area.

As I have come to learn the names of wildflowers I have developed an interest in knowing more about their growth habits and where they like to live. Of course, the next step is advocating for their preservation. Fragmentation of habitat due to development presents a grave danger. It is remarkable that almost all of the flowers presented here were found in readily accessible locations. The diversity of plant life is exceptional in the Silver Bay area and in other areas of the Adirondacks I have explored. The wildflowers in this collection were photographed in Silver Bay and Hague, with a few from Bolton. The presentation is mostly intended for a Silver Bay audience so mysterious place references are to locations on the Silver Bay campus.


Laura Meade, Hague area wildflower expert
Ruth Strickling, Silver Bay wildflower expert
Thomas Lord, Biology Department, Indiana University
Peter Hope, Biology Department, St. Michael's College.

  Alphabetic index Vol.1
Alphabetic index Vol.2

Index by color Vol. 1
Index by color Vol. 2

Blue flowers Vol. 1
Blue flowers Vol. 2

Green-brown flowers Vol. 1
Green-brown flowers Vol. 2

Red flowers Vol. 1
Red flowers Vol. 2

White flowers A to L Vol. 1
White flowers Vol. 2

White flowers M to Z Vol. 1

Yellow flowers Vol. 1
Yellow flowers Vol. 2


Newcomb's Wildflower Guide
Newcomb, Lawrence and Gordon Morrison
Little, Brown and Company, Boston, 1977.

Weeds of the Northeast
Uva, Richard H., Joseph C. Neal and Joseph M. DiTomaso
Cornell University Press, Ithaca, 1997.

A Field Guide to Wildflowers of Northeastern and Northcentral North America
Peterson, Roger Tory and Margaret McKenny
Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 1968.

Manual of Vascular Plants of Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada, Second Edition
Gleason, Henry A. and Arthur Cronquist
The New York Botanical Garden
1991 (corrected edition 2003)


US Dept. of Agriculture plant database at

All plant names and native/introduced designations are from Newcomb, Cornell weed book, Gleason and Cronquist or

Where there is only one date and location on a slide, that information applies to all the photos on the slide.

I'm an amateur and any mistakes in naming or of properties are mine. My intention is only to get you started in identifying plants in the Silver Bay and Lake George area. Please send corrections to Contact me if you would like an original higher resolution photo or the PowerPoint presentation in which the slides were created. The photos may be used for non-commercial purposes without restriction; otherwise, contact me.